Community Epidemiologist

Daniel P. Dooley
Phone: 617–534–2360
ddooley [at]


1. Subsidized Housing and Adult Asthma in Boston, 2010–2015 (2018) 
Amar J. Mehta, Daniel P. Dooley, John Kane, Margaret Reid, Snehal N. Shah, “Subsidized Housing and Adult Asthma in Boston, 2010–2015”, American Journal of Public Health 108, no. 8 (August 1, 2018): pp. 1059-1065. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304468

2. Measures of Local Segregation for Monitoring Health Inequities by Local Health Departments (2017)
Nancy Krieger, Pamela D. Waterman, Neelesh Batra, Johnna S. Murphy, Daniel P. Dooley, and Snehal N. Shah, “Measures of Local Segregation for Monitoring Health Inequities by Local Health Departments”, American Journal of Public Health 107, no. 6 (June 1, 2017): pp. 903-906. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.303713

3. Oral Health among Residents of Publicly Supported Housing in Boston (2014)
Maxwell, N.I., Shah, S., Dooley, D. et al. J Urban Health (2014) 91: 809.

4. Comparison of Methods for Estimating Prevalence of Chronic Diseases and Health Behaviors for Small Geographic Areas: Boston Validation Study, 2013 (2013)
Wang Y, Holt JB, Zhang X, Lu H, Shah SN, Dooley DP, et al. Comparison of Methods for Estimating Prevalence of Chronic Diseases and Health Behaviors for Small Geographic Areas: Boston Validation Study, 2013. Prev Chronic Dis 2017;14:170281. DOI:

Last modified
11/13/2018 - 10:42 am