Drug Information
Links to current information on selected drugs.

Drug Outbreak Testing Service (DOTS)
The Drug Outbreak Testing Service (DOTS) pilot study supports local experts and public health agencies experiencing a drug outbreak to identify the drug(s) behind the outbreak by providing free urinalyses of specimens already obtained from affected persons.

New Psychoactive Substance (NPS)
- DEA Emerging Threat Reports
- DEA NFLIS Reports
- CFSRE: NPS Discovery Reports
- EMCDDA: Formal notification of a new psychoactive substance - Guidance Note 2 (1/1/2020)
- New psychoactive substance use as a survival strategy in rural marginalised communities in Hungary (January 2020)
- New psychoactive substances (NPS) prevalence over LSD in blotter seized in State of Santa Catarina, Brazil: a six-year retrospective study (January 2020)
- UK: Detection and quantitation of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists in infused papers from prisons in a constantly evolving illicit market
- UNODC: Current NPS Threats – Volume II (January 2020)

Toxicology Case Studies - ACMT
NDEWS and the American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) are collaborating to develop a capability to identify emerging drugs and drug trends encountered by medical toxicologists during patient consultations and toxicology evaluations.
- ToxIC Brief: Issue 1 - Inaugural Issue
- ToxIC Brief: Issue 2 - Novel Synthetic Opioids Cases Reported to the ToxIC Registry, August–October 2018
- ToxIC Brief: Issue 3 - Synthetic Cannabinoids Cases Reported to the ToxIC Registry, August 1, 2018–January 31, 2019
- ToxIC Brief: Issue 4 - 17 Tramadol Cases Reported to the ToxIC Registry, January 1, 2018–June 30, 2019

NDEWS News Scans
Outbreaks of drug problems often come to public attention first via media reports. NDEWS conducts periodic searches of published news articles as well as special scans for specific drugs.

Social Media Data Mining
The University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language (CASL) and the National Drug Early Warning System (NDEWS) Coordinating Center are working together to uncover street terms for drugs as they appear on social media, which has implications for understanding drug trends and supporting timely