Event Date and Time
San Francisco, California

April 12-14, main conference: The ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) is an opportunity for specialists in the field of medical toxicology to gather together, network, and learn from the cutting-edge research of their peers. The event will elevate the field’s discourse by featuring national and international authorities speaking on current practices in medical toxicology. 

For more information on the main conference: https://www.acmt.net/2019_ASM.html


Two symposia of interest will take place the day before the start of the main conference:

New Frontiers in Medical Toxicology: Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine

April 11, all day: Precision and genomic medicine refers to the use of genetic or molecular profiling to optimize efficiency or therapeutic benefit for particular groups of patients. Although in some form, "precision medicine" has been a part of healthcare for many years, its role in day-to-day healthcare is expanding and evolving into exciting frontiers. This conference is designed to provide attendees with the crucial scientific knowledge and current clinical implications of pharmacogenomics so that they can build and implement this innovative field of medicine into their current practice.

Legal Cannabis: Medical, Toxicological and Public Health Implications

April 11, all day: With the recent legalization of recreational cannabis consumption on the state level, increased cannabis use brings to the forefront a host of important medical, toxicological and public health questions. This course is intended to bring together health care providers, toxicologists, public health officials, and others with an interest in learning more about the implications of legalizing cannabis use, and addressing these important issues.