Presented by:
-David Newcombe, Ph.D.
 Senior Lecturer
 Alcohol and Drug Studies
 School of Population Health and Centre for Addiction Research (CFAR)
 University of Auckland, New Zealand
 d.newcombe [at]
-Nadine Harker Burnhams, Ph.D.
 Senior Scientist: Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Research Unit 
 South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
 Honorary Research Associate
 School of Public Health and Family Medicine
 University of Cape Town, South Africa
 nadine.harker [at]
-Ms. Harsheth Kaur Virk 
 Project Officer, Drug Demand Reduction
 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
 Lagos, Nigeria
 harsheth.virk [at]
-Ibanga Akanidomo, Ph.D. M.Sc., B.Sc.
 National Project Officer, Drug Demand Reduction
 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
 Lagos, Nigeria
 ibanga.akanidomo [at] 
Scheduled, but unable to attend:
-Mr. Franklin Mwirichia, MPH
 Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
 National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA)
 Nairobi, Kenya
 mwirichia [at]



Air date: October 3, 2017



G-DEWS Part 3 Overview - Newcombe

South Africa: A reflection on the SACENDU (1996-2016) epidemiological network system - Harker Burnhams

Nigerian Epidemiological Network on Drug Use (NENDU) - Virk, Akanidomo

Slides only. Presention not recorded:

Overview of Drugs Monitoring System in Kenya - Franklin Mwirichia

Last modified
11/13/2018 - 11:04 am