Naloxone hydrochloride (Narcan) is a medication that can stop or reverse an opioid overdose by blocking the effects of opioids on the brain and restoring breathing. It is an acute measure to change an outcome. The duration of naloxone is about 45 minutes. It can be administered through intramuscular injection or nasal spray. Although naloxone can save a life, it is not substance abuse treatment.

In December 2015, a discussion about naloxone amongst NDEWS Network members began after the NDEWS Coordinating Center posted a press release from the FDA regarding approval of a nasal spray. The discussion covered a variety of topics including standing orders, effectiveness and use of naloxone for specific populations, reporting requirements for those who administer naloxone, how to build awareness of naloxone and appropriate uses for it, additional steps that should be taken with those who receive naloxone for an overdose, and next steps for medical personnel, researchers, and policymakers. Many links and resources were provided by Network members during the discussion. The following summarizes the resources provided and provides additional links identified NDEWS Coordinating Center staff.

Additional Resources

Federal Policies and Publications

State Legislation and Standing Orders

Policies, Research and Other Resources

Factsheets and Articles

Baltimore City Health Department, resources from the Don't Die campaign


Last modified
08/25/2017 - 9:45 am