As Co-Investigator of the NIDA-funded NDEWS project, Ms. Eleanor (Erin) Artigiani provides day-to-day project management and coordination of efforts among project staff and agencies. She is also responsible for coordinating the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG), the Sentinel Community Epidemiologists (SCEs), and the Community Epidemiologists (CEs).

Erin Artigiani received her Master’s Degree in Sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology & Psychology from Wellesley College. She is now Deputy Director of Policy at the University of Maryland’s Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) where she has worked since 1997. Ms. Artigiani has more than 20 years of experience in substance abuse research and policy development.

For 14 years, she and the Director of CESAR represented Maryland and Washington, DC, on NIDA’s predecessor to NDEWS, the national Community Epidemiology Workgroup (CEWG). She has managed a number of epidemiological workgroups for Maryland and Washington, DC, most recently as a part of the SAMHSA funded Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and currently manages a local evaluation of prevention efforts implemented as part of the Opioid Misuse Prevention Program (OMPP). She is also currently working with Bowie State University as an evaluator for their substance abuse and HIV prevention strategies and is Co-Investigator on the Community Drug Early Warning System (CDEWS) project. 

headshot of Erin Artiginani
4321 Hartwick Road, College Park, MD 20740
National Drug Early Warning System
eartigia [at]