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NPR News. (2016). 'Drug Dealer, M.D.': Misunderstandings and Good Intentions Fueled by the Opioid Epidemic.
NYC First Lady, U.S Surgeon General, Deputy Mayor of Health and Human Services and Health Commissioner Discuss Opioid Epidemic, Mental Health Interventions at Montefiore Hospital. (2016). Press Release.
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Ornstein, C. (2016). How the Nation's Opioid Epidemic Is Morphing--and Growing. ProPublica.
Palamar, J, Shearston, J, Dawson, E, Mateu-Gelabert, P, Ompad, D. (2016). Nonmedical Opioid Use and Heroin Use in a Nationally Representative Sample of US High School Seniors. Drug and Alcohol Depend.
Palamar, JJ., Su, MK., Hoffman, RS. (2016). Characteristics of Novel Psychoactive Substance Exposures Reported to New York City Poison Center, 2011-2014. PubMed.
Partnership News Service Staff. (2016). Powerful Heroin Substitute Called Pink Being Sold Online.
Pew Charitable Trusts. (2016). Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs.
Phillipps, D. (2016). F.D.A. Agrees to New Trials for Ecstasy as Relief for PTSD Patients. The New York Times.
Pirona, A., Bo,A., Hedrich, D., Ferri, M., Van Gelder, N.., Giraudon, I., Montanari, L., Simon, R., Mounteney, J. (2016). New Psychoactive Substances: Current Health Related Practices and Challenges in Responding to Use and Harms in Europe. The International Journal of Drug Policy.
Potenza, A. (2016). Why Banning the Opiate-Like Plant Kratom Might Do More Harm than Good. The Verge.
Presley, BC., Gurney, SM., Scott, KS., Kacinko, Sl., Logan, Bk. (2016). Metabolism and Toxicological Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Biological Fluids and Tissues.
Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research. (2016). The Potential of Wastewater Testing for Rapid Assessment of Opioid Abuse (Research Brief). Mathematica Policy Research.
Rand Corporation. (2016). Procedures for Medication-Assisted Treatment of Alcohol or Opioid Dependence in Primary Care. SUMMIT.
Reader Response. (2016). Treating Heroin Addicts.
Renal and Urology News. Opioid Abuse Costs $78.5 Billion Annually.
Researched Abuse, Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance System (RADARS). (2016). Sustained Reduction of Diversion and Abuse after Introduction of an Abuse Deterrent Formulation of Extended Release Oxycodone.
Robinson, M. (2016). The Latest Marijuana Craze Has Users Chasing Bigger Highs Through Dabbing. Business Insider.
Rodolico, J. (2016). Anatomy of Addiction: How Heroin and Opioids Hijack The Brain. NPR.
Rojkiewicz, M., Majchrzak, M., Celinski, R., Kus, P., Sajewicz, M. (2016). Identification and Physicochemical Characterization of 4-fluorobutyrfentanyl (1-((4-fluorophenyl)(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)amino)butan-1-one, 4-FBF) in Seized Materials and the Postmortem Biological Samples
Rosenberg, S., Schweber, N. (2016). 33 Suspected of Overdosing on Synthetic Marijuana in Brooklyn. New York Times.
Rudd, RA., Serh, P., David, F. Scholl, L. (2016). Increases in Drug and Opioid-Involved Overdoses Death--United States, 2010-2015. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Santora, M. (2016). Drug 85 Times as Potent as Marijuana Caused a 'Zombielike" State in Brooklyn. The New York Times.
Scheck, J. (2016). Tramadol: The Opioid Crisis for the Rest of the World. The Wall Street Journal.
Schep, LJ., Slaughter, RJ., Hudson, S., Place, R., Watts, M. (2015). Delayed Seizure-like Activity Following Analytically Confirmed Use of Previously Unreported Synthetic Cannabinoid Analogues. Hum Exp Toxicol.
Schmidt, S. (2016). The Fentanyl Crisis is So Deadly In Canada That Even Funeral Directors Need the Antidote. The Washington Post.
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