- NY Times: At the Frontline of the Opioid Epidemic but Unable to Help
- Science Magazine: Forecasting the Opioid Epidemic
- Buprenorphine Implants (Probuphine) for Opioid Dependence
- Synthetic Opioid Nicknamed "Pink" Blamed for Deaths of Two 13-Year Old Utah Boys
- Liquid Fentanyl Seized in Canada
- CNN: Recall Issued for Device That Delivers Overdose Reversal Drug
- Conference Highlights Drug Abuse Epidemic's Effects on Kids
- Wisconsin Prescription Drug Monitoring Program First Quarter Report Now Available
- VaAware: Addiction, Prevention and Recovery Resources
- EMCDDA Releases Monograph on Theories of Addiction
- Parents Injected Children With Heroin as "Feel Good Medicine." Police Say
- HHS Looks to Reduce Adverse Drug Events
- EMCDDA Releases Health Response to New Psychoactive Substances
- Powerful Substitute for Heroin Causing Great Concern Across the United States
- Declines in Opioid Prescribing After Private Insurer Policy Change
- New Article Discusses Why Primary Care Doctors Have Stayed Out of the Fight Against Opioids
- CDC MMWR: Increase in Adverse Reactions Associated With Use of Synthetic Cannabinoids- Anchorage, Alaska, 2015-2016
- New Hampshire Governor Establishes Committee to Study Fatal Drug Overdoses
- Wave of Overdoses with Little-Known Drug Raises Alarm Amid Opioid Crisis
- DEA Withdrawals Temporary Scheduling of Kratom as Schedule I Drug
- As New Hampshire Drug Deaths Climb, Fentanyl (Not Heroin) Plays A Role in Most Overdoses
- Opioid Abuse Costs $78.5 Billion Annually According to Renal and Urology News
- NIDA Notes: New Animation: Why Do People Lose Control Over Their Cocaine Use?
- New JAMA Article: Changing the Language of Addiction
- New Mandate from DEA Decreasing the Amount of Schedule II Opiate and Opioid Medications